What’s the one thing new food concepts, food brands, and food menu’s have in common? The people behind them are no longer aiming for the most competitive price point, but for the highest possible value.

Food is experiencing the biggest wave in innovation in years. The number of indie food brands taking over the supermarket shelves has never been higher. Food concepts focused on sustainable, locally sourced products are popping up in the big cities all over the world. And in the gastronomic world we’re seeing a resurgence of conscientious food, with chefs that are plant forward, animal friendly, and sustainable.

Entrepreneurs and consumers alike are much more open to adventure and putting the experience first. They value the craft, believe in the unique, true story behind a product, and recognize terroir: we are turning away from the global to embrace the local. Time and place should be tasted on new menus. Homogenous food has lost all appeal.

Food Inspiration has researched this topic and now introduces the flip in the pyramid of value.